Typhoon in the Philippines

The Philippines was rocked last week by one of the biggest storms in years. The death toll continues to climb and the destruction is unimaginable.  

River City Community Church partners with a movement of churches in the Philippines called Faith Tabernacle. They have thousands of churches throughout the Philippine Islands among the poorest of the poor. I've personally visited Faith Tabernacle, and a number of their churches, while speaking at their leaders conference. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality and the scope of their ministry. Their churches and people will have seen considerable damage and loss from this typhoon. They will also be in a very strategic position to help with the rebuilding and to minister to families who have been devastated in the wake of this storm.

We are standing with them in prayer through this ordeal. We are also raising funds to help them as they minister to their churches and the communities that they support. If you'd like to financially help, go to reallife.org, click on the "give" link, and follow the instructions.  Or you can send a check to River city community Church, 16765 Lookout Rd., Selma, TX 78154. Notate your gift "Philippines" and 100% of your donation will go directly to Faith Tabernacle.

This is a uniquely strategic gift because Faith Tabernacle is already positioned to offer ongoing support in the rebuilding  of communities.  Thank you for your prayerful support.


This Sunday - You want to win the lottery?


Hey River City,

Last Sunday, we took a bit of a turn in our series to focus on the teaching of Jesus. Matthew tells us that people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching because He taught with a different kind of authority! Now...I told you last Sunday that I'd be talking about Jesus and money this week, and that if you've ever wanted to win the lottery (or some other comparable windfall...), you'd want to be here Sunday. I have some very good news to share with you from the teaching of Jesus. You don't want to miss "Jesus on Money!"

Don't forget to invite some friends to "Come and See" with your 5x5 invite cards. Who knows the lives that God wants to transform through you?

I also want to make you aware of a very cool page on our website. Go to reallife.organd click on the yellow link on the left that says "River City News."  This is a one-stop page to keep you posted on everything that is happening at River City! We highlight big events, give you access to our last several bulletin inserts, and even have a ministry events calendar with links to all the things that are happening at River City. Check out the News page and find out everything you need to know about our ministry schedule.  

God is moving at River City! Don't miss what He has in store for this weekend.

For the One Hope.

An Invitation

I'd like to invite you to join me, this Sunday, September 8th, at River City Community Church. It's going to be a very special day, so I'd encourage you to invite some friends, as they would be more than welcome!

This Sunday, we are beginning a series...no, it's really more of a journey called "Jesus Has Left the building—Rediscovering the Biblical Jesus!" Jesus Christ is one of the most well known, often quoted, and yet misunderstood personalities in human history. The church He launched changed the course of western civilization and beyond. But, it seems like that church has lost some steam in recent years. Is it possible that we've forgotten the real Jesus...maybe even reinvented Him to suit our purpose or politics? 

Below you'll find a graphic with times, location, and everything you need to know to join us for this very important conversation. You can also easily pass this along to some friends, who you'd like to invite.

River City is a relaxed place, where you and your guests will feel right at home. We're located a mile and a half outside of 1604 on Lookout Road, across from Retama Park. We enjoy excellent, meaningful music, practical teaching, and age-appropriate ministries for the whole family. River City is called "a church for real life" and that's what you'll find. 

Jesus Christ changed the world. You don't want to miss this important conversation...because who knows, it might even change your world!

I'll see you Sunday,


Pastor Sean Azzaro
Senior Pastor
River City Community Church